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Volunteers are Parents

Alderwood Little League is run by all volunteers. It is the parents of the players who must all step up and take a role in running the league. Everyone is encouraged to volunteer in some capacity during the season in one of many roles. Some of the most common are: manager, coach, practice helper, umpire, team parent, concession stand, fundraiser coordinator, field maintenance, etc. Please offer your assistance and help us out. With everyone's dedication to the children, we will maintain a high quality youth program.

Alderwood Little League provides training for all of the volunteer positions. Coaches' clinics are open to all managers, coaches, and parents, and take place in early March. Managers and coaches are also encouraged to attend the players' clinics which occur in January and at the start of our Fall Ball program.

Team Volunteers

Alderwood Little League is 100% volunteer organization. The success of each team in our program relies on the volunteer efforts of every parent on the team. There are many roles to fill, and the support of each parent is necessary.


Team Managers and coaches are parent volunteers. Learn more about managers and coaches on our web pages: "Becoming a Manager" Team managers and coaches are required to have a league issued  ID Badge when participating with team activities.

Team umpires are parent volunteers. Training is provided for team umpires, click here for more information. For umpire questions, or to become a staff umpire, contact the Umpire in Chief.


Team Parent is a parent volunteer. The team parent will coordinate the volunteer efforts of the parents on their team. for league events and team activities. This includes coordinating the league's fundraising events for the team; scheduling volunteers for Concessions, Field crew, etc. and snack schedules. Details are provided at the Team Parent meeting held in mid-March each year.

AlderWear, Mariner Little League ticket sales, Raffle Ticket sales, and Photo Magnet sales are all coordinated for the team by a parent volunteer. Assist your team parent in coordinating one of these league events for your team. Details are provided at the Team Parent meeting held in mid-March each year.

Field Crew is parent volunteers. The Field crew will prep the field before each game and clean the field following the game, see league's Field Maintenance Manual on "how to.".

Concession Stand crew are parent volunteers. Our Concession stand provides funding for upgrades to our complex. Support of Concession Volunteers and your patronage benefit our league.

Staff Umpires

Our staff umpire crew are volunteers who donate their time to our league. Many no longer have sons or daughters playing in our program, but continue to support Alderwood Little League. Our staff umpires provide umpiring at our Major, Junior, Senior and Big League divisions of play. To become a staff umpire, contact our Umpire in Chief.

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