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AAA Baseball progresses the fundamental skills of baseball and teaches the strategy for game play. Players may have one or more years of experience, but new players are welcome.

Player build upon the skills developed as they have progressed through the lower levels of play with emphasis on the making correct decisions during play, and expanding each players knowledge of the rules of the game. Players develop life skills related to teamwork and respect of coaches and umpires. Intensity level of play appropriately increased.

Score keeping, pitch count, and game scores are introduced. No standings are kept at this level.

Team Placement, see below.

Learning Objective

Players build upon the skills acquired at the Farm Level of play with emphasis on:

Hitting: concentrating on the pitcher; knowledge of the count, the ability to make adjustments at the plate; bunting.

Base Running: Little League lead off; running through vs rounding first base; and utilizing the base coach.

Throwing: Executing proper relay techniques, both outfielders and infielders; and use of a cutoff with hits to the outfield.

Fielding: backhand catching; each fielder has a role on every pitched ball, TEAMWORK; and objective is to retire the lead runner, if less than 2 outs.

Pitching: four or two seam grip on the ball; use of the stretch position; and the 3-steps of throwing, balance, stride and follow through.

Catching: setting a target in different parts of the strike zone; blocking the ball; wider base when runners on; and fielding passed balls.


Registration: Registration for the Spring Season begins in December and ends in mid February. Late registration occurs through March, additional late fee may be applied, and registration will close when teams are full or the season begins. Watch this website for more information on registration during this time period.

Practices: Practices are organized by the team manager with assistance from volunteer coaches. Recommended practice frequency is three times a week during the pre-season (starting in early March); and once a week during the season. Practices will be held at local school fields in the Edmonds School District.

Games: Teams participate in two to three games a week during the regular season, typically one - two weeknight games and one weekend game (Friday night or Saturday). Game schedules will be available at least one week prior to the start of game play.Game play typically begins the week following the Edmonds School District spring break and extend into early June. Games will be held at the Alderwood Little League complex.

Games are limited to a maximum of 6 innings or 2 hours in length. Games utilize a continuous batting order; 9 defensive players each inning; and balanced playing time. Scores are kept but not recorded for standings. Game play will be in accordance with Little League Rules and Local rules.

Season: The eight week season typically starts the week following the Edmonds School District spring break and extends until the weekend after Memorial Day; for a total of 16 to 20 games. See annual calendar for dates.

AAA Baseball Teams Are Created Via Blind Draft

Beginning with the 2014 spring season, the Alderwood Board of Directors decided to implement a Blind draft as the method of team placement for players in the Baseball AAA division. This decision was made after carefully evaluating several factors including: providing the best experience for the most players, coaches, parents, competitive balance,and planning for future teams and divisional needs. We have compiled additional information below in the form of Frequently Asked Questions. The blind draft has been very successful and will continue in 2017.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why has the Board made this change?

A: The board performs an extensive review of the expected makeup of the upcoming spring divisions. Many factors contribute to our analysis, but the primary concern is how we can provide a high quality experience for the most players while still meeting our obligations to the league, district, and national program. Based on past results, and the composition of players and coaches expected to participate at this level in 2014, we determined that there was a high likelihood that we would have a division where one or two teams would dominate. We believe the blind draft greatly increases the probably of balanced teams across the division by spreading out our best coaches and player across multiple teams. The result will be more competitive games, and an overall more positive experience for all players and families.

Q: How will the Blind Draft be conducted?

A: Alderwood Little League has adopted the Blind Draft format as provided by Little League International Rules. In accordance with those rules, a team manager's children will not be drafted; they will be placed on their parent's team. Similarly, siblings will be placed on the same team. Trades will not be permitted.

Q: Is this just an attempt to have all AAA teams have the "same record?"

A: Absolutely not. Regardless of how Alderwood selects the teams, at the end of the season there will be a team with the best record and a team with the worst record. Mostly importantly, all players will learn important life lessons such as how to win and lose, and respect their teammates, opponents and coaches. But when the games are closer they are more fun for everyone involved - especially the players. Bob Bigelow, a former NBA player and now child sports advocate, says, "Close games are more fun."

Q: I really want my child to play for a particular coach or with a particular player, can I get an exception?

A: There may be unique circumstances that require a player to be considered to be placed on a particular team. A request for a particular teammate, or coach, will not generally be considered valid exceptions. If you have a unique request it must be submitted to the Player Agent in Writing no later than two weeks prior to the draft for consideration on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions to the draft will be extremely rare.

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